Modern Financial and Planning Operations
Empowering the data-driven decisions required for the Air Force to invest in readiness while outpacing its adversaries.

Achieving Decision Superiority
Decision Lens transforms data into a strategic asset allowing the Air and Space Forces to realize their ambitions of becoming data-driven organizations. Decision superiority requires insights be available at speed and scale to generate a sustained operational advantage.
Build Trust, Transparency, and Innovation
The Air and Space Forces are leading operational transformation amongst DoD agencies. However, these efforts have not been without challenges as budget constraints inhibit efforts even for the forward leaning. But continued momentum is critical as challenges still linger.
Continued Reliance on Spreadsheets
Despite modernization efforts many departments still plan on antiquated tools. This slows decisions and leads to sub-optimal funding decisions.
Lack of Standardized Processes
Processes must be reengineered to implement more consistent data management, scoring, and real-time analysis needed to provide transparency across the enterprise.
Frustrated, Overburdened Employees
Recruiting is suffering and existing employees are burned out due to the heavy burden of antiquated technology and manual processes.
Success in the Air Force, Navy, Army & Beyond

Meeting the Needs of the Air & Space Forces
Decision Lens allows the Air and Space Forces to achieve their modernization goals through a comprehensive, cloud-based platform which meets each organization where they are and partners with them to mature their planning and budgeting over time.
Empower senior leaders with accurate and timely data
Enterprise-wide visibility into spending priorities minimizes duplicative action and overspend allowing leaders to make decisions which maximize taxpayer dollars.
- Powerful algorithms power scenario planning capabilities which allow leaders to rapidly adjust plans as conditions change.
- Integrated planning eliminates silos and simplifies identifying additional funding pools and duplicative spend to minimize impact of spending shifts.
- Enterprise-wide visibility into spending priorities minimizes duplicative action and overspend. Leaders make decisions which can maximize taxpayer dollars.

Align Every Dollar To Maximize Mission Impact
Built on decision science, our software and people drive process change to implement more consistent data management, scoring, and real-time analysis to provide enterprise transparency.
- Decision Lens provides the modern analytics tied to your decision framework to meet mission requirements.
- Proper resource allocation will accelerate initial fielded capability and speed the delivery of capability.

Recruit and retain the best talent
Our well-designed user interface, process automation, and powerful algorithms allow people to stop spending time on low value tasks and focus on solving complex challenges.
- Talent is looking to leverage cutting edge software to have maximum impact on the mission. Providing cutting edge tools will play a role in meeting Army recruiting goals.
- Activity logging and robust roles and rights will empower employees at all levels to make decisions providing a more compelling job and career path.
- Decision Lens offers online, in-person, and on-demand training to ramp users quickly and provide ongoing skill development over time.

Decision Lens has allowed us to approach portfolio decisions in an entirely different way than most organizations.
United States Military, Senior Leader
Integrated Planning for the Air & Space Forces
Decision Lens allows the Air & Space Forces to continuously improve and innovate their financial management and planning capabilities. Our cloud-based platform meets each organization where they are and partners with them to mature their planning and financial operations over time.

Robust Data Management
Decision Lens provides the tools to build a unified decision model which allows data to be collected and made actionable in real-time across the Air Force and Space Force. The result is a move off spreadsheets and towards real-time data which allows for better, faster, more mission-aligned decisions.

Data-Driven Prioritization
Decision Lens offers a robust suite of tools to enable mission-aligned prioritization. Air Force and Space Force customers rely on these capabilities to prioritize unfunded requirements, military construction, science & technology grants and more.

Mission-Aligned Planning
Customers rely on our planning capabilities to prepare for multiple time horizons simultaneously while maintaining a thorough understanding of the impact of alternatives courses of action.

Agile Execution-Year Funding
Customers rely on our funding capabilities to execute funds throughout the year, prepare and respond to change, and adhere to regulatory spending requirements.