Turbocharging Decision Lens to Transform Government Planning and Budgeting_image
Turbocharging Decision Lens to Transform Government Planning and Budgeting
Top 3 Resource Shortage Causes (And What You Can Do About It)
3 Signs You're Not Getting All You Can From Your Resources (And What You Can Do About It)
The Biggest Side Effect of Resource Bottlenecks That No One Wants To Talk About

Data & Reporting

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Modernizing the Art and Science of Government Decisions with John Saaty-featured-image
Modernizing the Art and Science of Government Decisions with John Saaty

Learn about the history of Decision Lens, its founding ideals, and how its co-founder and CEO John Saaty spends every da...

How Ineffective Analysis Leads to Compliance Issues-featured-image
How Ineffective Analysis Leads to Compliance Issues

Discover how ineffective analysis in federal government agencies can lead to compliance issues, jeopardizing public inte...

Managing Personality-Driven Decision-Making with Data-featured-image
Managing Personality-Driven Decision-Making with Data

Discover how federal agencies can overcome personality-driven prioritization by leveraging data-driven insights, improvi...


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Turbocharging Decision Lens to Transform Government Planning and Budgeting-featured-image
Turbocharging Decision Lens to Transform Government Planning and Budgeting

For government agencies looking to transform how they prioritize, plan, and fund, the Diversis investment in Decision Le...

3 Signs You're Not Getting All You Can From Your Resources (And What You Can Do About It)-featured-image
3 Signs You're Not Getting All You Can From Your Resources (And What You Can Do About It)

Resource capacity planning is critical for any business. If you are having trouble seeing exactly where resources are be...

The Biggest Side Effect of Resource Bottlenecks That No One Wants To Talk About-featured-image
The Biggest Side Effect of Resource Bottlenecks That No One Wants To Talk About

The biggest side effect of resource bottlenecks that gets very little attention: the human cost. When your organization ...


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Turbocharging Decision Lens to Transform Government Planning and Budgeting-featured-image
Turbocharging Decision Lens to Transform Government Planning and Budgeting

For government agencies looking to transform how they prioritize, plan, and fund, the Diversis investment in Decision Le...

Top 3 Resource Shortage Causes (And What You Can Do About It)-featured-image
Top 3 Resource Shortage Causes (And What You Can Do About It)

Allocating resources to get projects over the finish line can be tough. Here are the top three causes of resource shorta...

4 Expert Takeaways on Reforming the DoD's PPBE Process-featured-image
4 Expert Takeaways on Reforming the DoD's PPBE Process

A Panel of 4 Experts React to PPBE Reform Commission's Final Report


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Turbocharging Decision Lens to Transform Government Planning and Budgeting-featured-image
Turbocharging Decision Lens to Transform Government Planning and Budgeting

For government agencies looking to transform how they prioritize, plan, and fund, the Diversis investment in Decision Le...

The Budget Passed, Now What?-featured-image
The Budget Passed, Now What?

As government agencies transition from a Continuing Resolution to a full-fledged budget, the need for prioritization too...

Overcoming Budget Unpredictability: Achieving Fiscal Stability for Federal Agencies-featured-image
Overcoming Budget Unpredictability: Achieving Fiscal Stability for Federal Agencies

Navigating budget unpredictability is crucial. Read this blog to learn strategies to achieve fiscal stability, overcome ...


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Expert Panel Q&A: Drilling Down on PPBE Reform's Critical Areas-featured-image
Expert Panel Q&A: Drilling Down on PPBE Reform's Critical Areas

Expert panelists drill down on critical areas of PPBE reform

Defining the Top Acronyms in the Final PPBE Reform Report-featured-image
Defining the Top Acronyms in the Final PPBE Reform Report

Decision Lens identifies the most important acronyms in the PPBE Reform Commission's Final Report

Understanding the Key Elements of PPBE Reform-featured-image
Understanding the Key Elements of PPBE Reform

Dive into the meaning and importance of the terms ‘budget,’ ‘acquisition,’ ‘program,’ ‘data,’ and ‘systems’ and how they...

Expert Panel Q&A: Drilling Down on PPBE Reform's Critical Areas-featured-image
Expert Panel Q&A: Drilling Down on PPBE Reform's Critical Areas

Expert panelists drill down on critical areas of PPBE reform

Defining the Top Acronyms in the Final PPBE Reform Report-featured-image
Defining the Top Acronyms in the Final PPBE Reform Report

Decision Lens identifies the most important acronyms in the PPBE Reform Commission's Final Report

Understanding the Key Elements of PPBE Reform-featured-image
Understanding the Key Elements of PPBE Reform

Dive into the meaning and importance of the terms ‘budget,’ ‘acquisition,’ ‘program,’ ‘data,’ and ‘systems’ and how they...

Advana Logo
The Future of PPBE: Part 3 - It's all about Advana

The Commission mentioned Advana many times throughout the report. The idea behind Advana is to have it serve as the ‘dat...

The Future of PPBE: Part 2 - The Multi-Front Reform Battle-featured-image
The Future of PPBE: Part 2 - The Multi-Front Reform Battle

PPBE reform will require change across oversight, technology, culture, and process to be successful. In this article ser...

The Future of PPBE: Part 1 - Agility-featured-image
The Future of PPBE: Part 1 - Agility

The goal of PPBE reform is to add agility to long range planning and, just as importantly, to year of execution funding ...

PPBE Report: Impact on Planners, FMers and Comptrollers-featured-image
PPBE Report: Impact on Planners, FMers and Comptrollers

The impact of the findings will be significant for everyone involved with the prioritizing, planning, and funding elemen...

The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Defense Budget System: It Must Be Continuous-featured-image
The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Defense Budget System: It Must Be Continuous

To counter the threat of China, the United States must adopt a more agile and forward-looking approach to defense budget...

The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Defense Budget System: It Must Deliver Mission Alignment-featured-image
The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Defense Budget System: It Must Deliver Mission Alignment

To attain mission alignment and make informed resource decisions, we must simultaneously consider three distinct time ho...

The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Defense Budget System: It Must Be Enterprise-Wide-featured-image
The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Defense Budget System: It Must Be Enterprise-Wide

Integrated planning involves taking a comprehensive view of the enterprise to identify and influence key factors that co...

The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Budget Defense System: It Must Embed Transparency and Accountability-featured-image
The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Budget Defense System: It Must Embed Transparency and Accountability

Striking a balance between providing Congress with oversight and allowing for greater flexibility in response to changin...

The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Budget Defense System: It Must Be Natively Collaborative-featured-image
The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Budget Defense System: It Must Be Natively Collaborative

The system must embrace transparency and foster a culture of collaboration. Promoting open dialogue and interdisciplinar...

The Six Guiding Principles of a Next Generation Budget Defense System: It Must be Powered by Leading-Edge Technology

The DoD must embrace a new paradigm in defense budgeting, one that is powered by leading-edge technology and prioritizes...

Overview: Six Guiding Principles of a Next-Generation Defense Budget System Whitepaper-featured-image
Overview: Six Guiding Principles of a Next-Generation Defense Budget System Whitepaper

Overview of ways to improve the current defense budget system and the PPBE process.

PPBE Commission Recommendation: Congress should require the DoD to utilize scenario-based prioritization budgeting tools-featured-image
PPBE Commission Recommendation: Congress should require the DoD to utilize scenario-based prioritization budgeting tools

Requiring budget scenario tools to understand and prioritize potential spending impacts resulting from changing world ev...

DoD PPBE Data Problems Can Be Fixed Now-featured-image
DoD PPBE Data Problems Can Be Fixed Now

While there are systemic issues with PPBE, the article highlights that improving data is at the crux of a better approac...

Why data visibility, granularity, and accuracy are keys to better PPBE-featured-image
Why data visibility, granularity, and accuracy are keys to better PPBE

Learn about the challenges the current PPBE process poses for reprogramming funds during the year of execution.

How the Army will balance contingency and long-term needs-featured-image
How the Army will balance contingency and long-term needs

Learn about the challenges the PPBE process poses when it comes to modernizing planning and how you can overcome them wi...

Modernizing PPBE: DoD budget process must keep up with real needs-featured-image
Modernizing PPBE: DoD budget process must keep up with real needs

On March 22, Tom Temin of Federal News Network interviewed Juliet Beyler the Executive Director for U.S. Naval Forces Eu...

Automating PPBE: Decision Lens Cofounder and CSO speaks with Federal News Network-featured-image
Automating PPBE: Decision Lens Cofounder and CSO speaks with Federal News Network

Dan Saaty, Chief Science Officer and Cofounder of Decision Lens interviewed by Federal News Network on automating the PP...

Everything you need to know about PPBS

Everything that you need know know about the Planning Programming and Budgeting System (PPBS) and how you can update it

Program Objective Memorandum (POM) Planning and the PPBE Process
Program Objective Memorandum (POM) Planning and the PPBE Process

Learn everything you need to know about the DOD Program Objective Memorandum (POM) cycle and learn how to modernize your...

PPBE: Everything You Need to Know

Learn everything you need to know about the Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution (PPBE) process for DoD acquisit...

Ensuring Readiness: Modernizing the PPBE Process-featured-image
Ensuring Readiness: Modernizing the PPBE Process

Ensuring Readiness: Modernizing the PPBE Process. See how the DOD, Army, Air Force, and others are taking their PPBE pro...

Midyear Review Reporting- An Insider's View-featured-image
Midyear Review Reporting- An Insider's View

Learn how to better prepare for, conduct, and follow-up on midyear reviews in DoD


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