

Written by John Saaty | February 22, 2007


Decision making may well be the most important ingredient in determining whether an organization succeeds or fails. However, because every decision is in fact subjective, many business leaders do not know where to start when attempting to improve the way that they manage decisions.

Without any structure in an organization’s decision process, mistakes are likely to be repeated over and over again as the players change over time. It is crucial to understand how great decisions are made and how a structured process can greatly improve outcomes.

Decision Lens has developed a diagnostic tool called the Decision Management Maturity Model™ (DM³) to help organizations understand and improve their levels of maturity in their decision-making processes.

The model can be applied to any business function and assists decision makers in assessing and developing their decision process–from ad hoc decision making to value-based decision making.

The Decision Management Maturity Model does all of the following:

  • Acts as a diagnostic tool for assessing an organization’s capability to conduct effective decision making
  • Defines the fundamental components of decision-making maturity
  • Maps out a developmental path for an organization to achieve higher levels of decision-making maturity
  • Provides a plan for improvement for the decision-making process through effectively using Decision Lens

Maturity Stages 

Stage 1: Ad hoc 
Very little structure to decision process
Stage 2: Informal 
Some structure in decision process but mostly based on a common language rather than a common process
Stage 3: Formal 
Structured decision process without connection to resource allocation
Stage 4: Institutionalized
Structured decision process clearly tied to metrics, performance data and resource allocations
Stage 5: Value Based 
Fully operational decision process integrated with other organizational practices and with continuous evaluation and improvement

About Decision Lens

Decision Lens Inc., headquartered in Arlington, VA, provides a family of desktop and Web-based software solutions designed to support group decision-making for planning, financial, IT and performance-related decisions. Our comprehensive solutions manage the strategic alignment of goals and priorities with investments in people, projects, products and suppliers. Billions of dollars worth of decisions were made using Decision Lens this past year. By combining advanced decision-making techniques with world-class performance visualization capabilities, Decision Lens supports dynamic decision-making based on a well-structured, rational framework with superior reporting.