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Decision Lens Recognized as the Integrated Planning Software Company of the Year by GovCIO Outlook

ARLINGTON, VA, UNITED STATES, October 23, 2024 - GovCIO Outlook has named Decision Lens, a SaaS software provider allowing government agencies to make better, faster decisions with its Integrated Planning Software, Company of the Year.

The recognition was based on a rigorous vetting process. The publication first asked qualified subscribers to nominate companies they would recommend to their peers. Next, the editorial board carefully reviewed and evaluated each nomination based on various criteria. Finally, senior decision makers provided expertise and experience to assess the shortlisted companies.

Developing software to address the current challenges of data management, prioritization, future planning, and year-of-execution funding in an integrated way was seen as a leap forward in responsible, transparent government.

Decision Lens Co-Founder and CEO John Saaty said, “I am very excited to see our software recognized for the impact it’s having on the public sector. This has already been a banner year for Decision Lens. We were awarded a blanket purchase agreement with the VA, received funding from Diversis Capital to fuel our growth, and have expanded relationships with many customers. It’s clear to me that our approach to integrated planning is uniquely recognized for the impact it can have on making better, faster decisions. This recognition is validation that agencies seeking better return on each dollar would benefit by using Decision Lens. A huge thanks to the entire Decision Lens team, which wakes up every day ready to deliver on our mission – to modernize the decision making required for great achievement.”

With its exclusive focus on the public sector, Decision Lens is well positioned to play a critical role in meeting the needs of all agencies. The company continues to heavily invest in a wider variety of secure government-approved hosting options, increasing availability of its software to higher clearance levels, and expanding contractual pathways for interested buyers.

About Decision Lens

Decision Lens develops planning software which modernizes how government prioritizes, plans, and funds. We have been transforming public sector planning since 2005, delivering the people, process, and technology that empower agencies to effectively meet the needs of today while delivering the cutting-edge capabilities of tomorrow. Customers across the Department of Defense, intelligence community, federal civilian agencies, and state and local government achieve a sustained operational advantage through superior long-term planning, continuous medium-term prioritization, and short-term funding execution.

About Government CIO Outlook

Government CIO Outlook is a technology magazine based in Fremont, California that focuses on the trends, challenges, and opportunities for CIOs to deliver an efficient technology-driven services and operations in enabling smart governances.

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