
Arkansas Department of Transportation Turns to Decision Lens to Guide Long-Range Planning

Written by Adam Boggess | October 03, 2017

Performance-Based Dashboards Set to Optimize Strategy and Planning

Today Decision Lens announced that the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) has selected Decision Lens software to support their Long Range Intermodal Transportation Plan (LRITP). The goal is to deliver performance-based dashboards used to optimize user-defined investment strategies and to enable planning for the allocation of resources.  

“We look forward to partnering with ARDOT to chart out optimum capital investments for transportation throughout the state under current funding and to link resource allocation to system performance,” said John Kealey, CEO of Decision Lens. “The decisions that are made now through the Strategic Prioritization Framework ensure that ARDOT is able to inform leadership about critical decision tradeoffs as well as to provide guidance for setting reasonable targets. The program decisions made today will have long term effects and ramifications.”

Decision Lens software is used across numerous organizations for better strategic prioritization and resource allocation. Federal customers include the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy, Army, Coast Guard, General Services Administration, Department of Agriculture, and the Federal Aviation Administration among many others. State and local organizations include the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the State of Ohio Office of the CIO, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, and Seattle Public Utilities among others.  Commercial customers that have been announced include Johnson & Johnson, Genentech, and Sikorsky among others.

About Decision Lens

Decision Lens (@DecisionLens) is cloud-based software that enables a comprehensive business process for strategically identifying, prioritizing, analyzing, and measuring which investments, projects, and resources will deliver the highest returns. Through advanced analytics and flexible, custom visualizations and scenarios, organizations can make selections and immediately see the trade-offs to move forward with confidence.

Decision Lens improves the speed and quality of prioritization and resource optimization, while maximizing portfolio outcomes.

For more information about Decision Lens, call 703-399-2100 or visit