
2 min read

Product Release: Woo-hoooo! The Fall 2014 Release Landed Today!

Matt Ipri

October 16, 2014

Product Release: Woo-hoooo! The Fall 2014 Release Landed Today!-featured-image
In this article

    There’s a lot of happy developers and marketers at Decision Lens HQ today. That’s because another release has hit the market and our customers are now treated to some of the best in deeper analytics, visibility, insight, and control!

    This release is INCREDIBLY loaded. Just check out some of the best stuff:

    • Reviewer Role – A brand new set of roles for participants who need access to the model but may not have the permission to change or update the data. See it in action:
    • Enhanced Bubble Chart – The beautiful bubble chart has been improved with greater control over the individual bubble labels and the ability to “zoom” on just the data you want to see using the marquee selection feature. See it in action:
    • Facilitator Broadcasting – More intelligent and controlled ability for the facilitator to broadcast from a model, without “costing” the software in terms of performance and development time. See it in action:
    • New Participant Dashboard – A new location and set of features for managing the participants in a model.
    • Improved Data Import – More ability to speed up the process and import data into a model, specifically including Alternative Categories. See it in action:
    • Search – Find exactly the data you’re looking for in a long list of users, alternatives, scenarios, etc. Search is here! See it in action:
    • …And Much More – Lobby enhancements, spell check, export improvements, and many more features make this release an endless source of awesome…

    Read all about the release in our news release from this morning:

    Go to for more information and to view product tours of all the great new features that will revolutionize your resource allocation and strategic prioritization.

    And, of course, Decision Lens University is up and running with all of the latest stuff! Go get the details now at!

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