
3 min read

Product Release: The Spring 2015 Release of Decision Lens Will Shake You to the Core!

Michael Rahm

April 16, 2015

Product Release: The Spring 2015 Release of Decision Lens Will Shake You to the Core!-featured-image
In this article

    It’s one of THOSE days again! One of THOSE days we can all be excited and revel in the power of Decision Lens. One of THOSE days we can be incredibly proud of the products and solutions we all sell and support. And one of THOSE days it’s a LOT of fun to be part of Decision Lens! (It’s also one of THOSE days that I put on my Decision Lens tie, my R2-D2 socks, and my Bon Jovi boxers, but maybe that’s just me?)

    It’s LAUNCH DAY of our latest release – the Spring 2015 Release of our flagship Decision Lens platform! I hope you’re all suited up and ready for the day! Because it’s here!

    I know it was just about a year ago that I told you that we had launched the biggest release in our history, well, we’ve topped that. Big time. This release is about as loaded as you can imagine. Here’s some of the highlights:

    • The Idea Engine – It is really exciting to introduce the “feature formerly known as Submission Module”, which has been talked about users and employees around here for ages. Now you can customize your candidate alternatives to your heart’s desire, ensuring EVERY one is as complete as possible. And you can gather ideas from ANYONE in the organization to be sure you’ve got it all covered. See it in action here:
    • Portfolio Metrics – Measuring quantitative value has always been a strength of Decision Lens, but NOW you can track them over time and watch how changing data affects the value of your portfolio. Check out how much it improves comparing scenarios!
    • Brand New Homepage – That thing you used to call the “lobby”? Yeah, it’s gone. In its place is a beautiful, well-organized homepage with EVERYTHING a user would need in an easy to find and use place. It’s gorgeous.
    • Portfolio Overview Page – Tired of digging through the tabs to find what you’re looking for? Then the Portfolio Overview page is for you! Your whole portfolio model laid out in front of you. All of the components, all of the visuals, and all of the elements, easily seen and navigated. See it in action:
    • New User Identity Security – DLI, the Decision Lens security and identify platform is now out and on fire! All users can be sure of the security while have easy access to ALL Decision Lens properties (the app, support, DLU, and the website). Want to change that password? No need to call support anymore. DLI has you covered.
    • And much, much, much more…

    Read all about the release in our news release from this morning:

    Go to for more information and to view product tours of all the great new features that will revolutionize your resource allocation and strategic prioritization.

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