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3 min read

How to Save Time and Resources During your Intake Process

Amber Larkins

February 24, 2021

How to Save Time and Resources During your Intake Process-featured-image
In this article

    Are you still sending and receiving dozens of Excel spreadsheets to keep track of your project submissions and requirements? Although most organizations still rely on a manual approach for collecting requirements and project submissions, everyone on the front lines of data organization knows this process is wrought with inherent risks. You could miss an important update in your inbox, face version control issues from multiple spreadsheets, and could even risk security breaches due to information being delivered over potentially unsecured email servers.

    The simple concept of intaking information can become a long, labyrinth process that slows down progress towards your goals. Most organizations we work with, be it US Army, National Parks Service, or Sandia Labs are focused on delivering outcomes that positively impact the lives of millions of people. Delays in their processes do not just cost time. They make it more difficult for those doing important work to have their products and services reach the masses.

    Below is a sample of a typical intake timeline we often hear on our prospect calls:

    • Create or update an Excel Template – several days
    • Email that template to each stakeholder asking for feedback by a deadline (which many will not honor) – weeks
    • Receive emails and update a master spreadsheet- weeks
    • Computer crashes and return to a save point from 2 hours ago – hours
    • Get asked a question that necessitates auditing all materials to find the answer– several days

    Imagine how much more your organization could achieve if the months spent on intake, could instead be used to focus on project execution rather than administration. Our mission is to help organizations better orchestrate all parts of their decision-making processes, so that they can achieve great things. Our software makes intake more efficient and continuous process that allows organizations to be more agile and responsive to change.

    Decision Lens’ Intake Engine is a Continuous Integrated Planning (CIP) solution that can help organization track requirements through their lifecycle and collaborate with stakeholders for maximum growth and output. The Intake Engine aggregates all of your data inputs, making it easier for you to collect requirements, track changes, and find the information you need quickly.

    The Intake Engine transforms the process in the following ways:

    • Simple survey platform integrated with our prioritization framework
    • Customizable forms to help you get the information you need
    • Unique shareable links to request requirements from stakeholders both inside and outside your organization
    • An audit trail showing you when changes were made, what changes were made, and who made those changes
    • Embedded communication through options to comment on items, tag relevant users, and upload supporting documentation

    The system helps you monitor submissions that need to be updated as a single source of truth, rather than having to keep track of multiple versions. It also allows you to view all of the input information from a holistic summary view and to drill down into specific line items quickly, obviating the need to go back and research answers to leadership questions.

    If you would like a personal demo of the software so that you can see how you could use our Intake Engine, request a demo now!



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