
1 min read

The August 2016 Release is Live – Equipped with Enhanced Controls and Stunning Visualizations

Michael Rahm

August 31, 2016

The August 2016 Release is Live – Equipped with Enhanced Controls and Stunning Visualizations-featured-image
In this article

    Administrators! We’re capping off August with a release for you! The August 2016 Release of Decision Lens contains new controls for granular-level administrative options, new portfolio-level views, and enhanced visualization and analytics.

    Some exciting highlights include:

    Administrator Dashboard: View metrics such as the number of users you have, their current status, and even monitor portfolio activity over the past 30 days in an easy-to-understand layout.

    You can drill into usage activity, number of users, and other statistics for organizational insights. Easily identify the most active users and portfolios across your organization.  Watch the demo video here.

    Enhanced VROI Visualization: You will find better readability and more customized views of your data. You now have more control over visualization settings, controls, and analytics. Watch the demo video here.

    Head over to the release page to see more information. Decision Lens University also has new, more in depth materials available as well. Head over to our YouTube page to learn about this release, as well as other great videos with tips and tricks that will help you improve your portfolio. Want to us to show you live? We’d love to setup a live demo for you so you can see how Decision Lens would fit into your organization.


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