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You've probably heard the advice that in order to be successful you have to "show up". But what does that mean in today's world?
With the advancements in technology over recent years, the expectation of when you are available has gradually started to move beyond typical nine-to-five business hours. Today, whether it's in your personal or professional life, the assumption is that you are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
In order to adhere to this demand, we have grown to rely on "showing up" virtually. You work remotely, FaceTime family members you can't visit often, and do your shopping online - so why not also learn virtually?
There are many benefits to online learning, but we wanted to highlight our six favorites.
#1 - Have the flexibility to balance work and life
For those who have busy work or family schedules during the day, online education allows you to attend classes at the right time for you, and at your own pace - without ever leaving your home! Imagine the hours you get back from not having to commute.
According to Patrick Brothers, Cofounder of HolonIQ, hundreds of millions of learners have taken a short online course at work through LinkedIn learning or another online resource. Being able to learn and have those “Aha” moments from anywhere, at your own pace, is a big perk!
#2 - It is really convenient
Have you ever wanted to attend a class or seminar, but you weren't able to make it because of a timing issue? What about one that's on the other side of the world? With online learning, you're not limited to a certain mile radius. You can access videos and recorded classes whenever you want. The possibilities are endless!
#3 - Learn whatever you want. No really.
Whether you are interested in baking, photography, looking to get your MBA - or all of the above! - you can find programs and tutorials online to help you explore just about anything you’re passionate about. More and more people are using online videos to learn a new skill or explore a topic that they wouldn’t be able to learn otherwise.
#4 - Advance your skill set
At the rate in which technology is evolving, growing your skill set is almost a necessity in order to stay competitive in the marketplace. There are millions of certifications and courses out there - why not add to your resume to help you get noticed by that potential new employer?
At Decision Lens we have hundreds of users per year take our online courses. Our customers love that we are also a Registered Education Provider with the PMI so that they can earn professional development units (PDUs) towards their career advancement for free. Online learning is key to staying relevant in an ever-changing world.
#5 - Get instant gratification
Have you ever gotten frustrated at a friend because they took too long to respond to your text? We live in a world where we have become dependent on instant gratification. And with online learning you don't have to wait for the instructor to grade the entire class' exams. You have the ability to receive your results from tests and quizzes immediately.
Need to review the materials from that workshop a few more times? Not a problem. More often than not the materials are a mouse click away!
#6 - You are still part of a community
Sometimes we think of online learning as a solo mission, or a secluded individual choice. But the great news is that you can still be involved in learning communities where you are interacting (or even competing!) with others. With online groups, you can share your experiences, make connections, and even network.
Final Thoughts
With online learning, you can learn just about anything, from anywhere, at any time. You have the ability to explore new topics, be part of a community, and grow professionally.
We are sometimes more encouraged and motivated to learn when we have less boundaries. Years ago "butts in seats" was a good indicator of success in learning. Physically being present was part of the education experience. Today, being a remote learner is accepted and encouraged, which makes it easier to finally commit to "showing up".
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