Blog / Fund

4 min read

The Budget Passed, Now What?

Josh Rice

April 12, 2024

The Budget Passed, Now What?-featured-image
In this article


    The transition from a Continuing Resolution (CR) to a full-fledged budget brings a mix of relief and urgency for federal agencies. With the fiscal year in full swing and newly available funds at their disposal, the pressing question becomes: How can agencies prioritize and allocate these resources quickly and efficiently to ensure mission success? In this blog we’ll discuss the challenges you’re facing, and how bringing on more agile budgeting and programming tools is a must to make the most out of your FY24 dollars.  

    The Challenge of Post-CR Budget Allocation 

    The CR often necessitates a holding pattern for many agencies, delaying new projects and acquisitions until more stable funding is available. This cautious approach, while necessary, can create a bottleneck of initiatives awaiting the green light once the budget is approved. Agencies must now navigate the delicate balance of acting and spending swiftly without sacrificing strategic foresight. 

    Agile, Integrated Planning as a Path Forward

    In the post-CR world, the ability to quickly assess, prioritize, and allocate resources is now an invaluable need.  Agile portfolio decision-making emerges as the beacon for federal entities, enabling them to promptly respond to new requirements, efficiently deliver services, and adeptly maneuver through changing circumstances. This paradigm shift towards agile methods is not merely preferable; it's essential for agencies aiming to align their operations with strategic goals while optimizing the impact of their resources. 

    Streamlining through Analytics

    A modernized approach to bureaucratic processes is vital, moving away from outdated methods towards a model that supports rapid action and accountability. The implementation of both secure and accessible data enclaves, alongside the rationalization of reporting demands, serves to eliminate unnecessary delays. Such reforms are predicated on the establishment of an integrated defense resourcing system, allowing for seamless access to data and insights critical for agile decision-making. 

    Leveraging Real-time Data

    In this accelerated fiscal landscape, real-time data emerges as a strategic asset, indispensable for maintaining a competitive edge. However, the utility of real-time data extends beyond mere information gathering; it is crucial for the dynamic assessment of scenarios and trade-offs, enabling decisions that are both timely and informed. 

    Agencies are encouraged to balance the use of real-time data with established decision-making frameworks and in-person analysis groups (AWGs), ensuring decisions are made with both speed and substance.

    Introducing Decision Lens

    Decision Lens emerges as a critical tool in addressing this question. Designed to enhance strategic planning and decision-making, Decision Lens offers a suite of features tailored to the needs of federal agencies navigating post-CR budget allocation. Here’s how Decision Lens can transform your agency’s approach: 

    1. Enhanced Strategic Alignment: Using a decision framework, Decision Lens helps portfolio managers align their investment decisions with the agency's strategic objectives. Managers can quickly pivot and shift prioritization criteria to keep pace with rapidly changing circumstances and organizational priorities, ensuring that resources are always allocated to the most critical, high-impact initiatives. 
    2. Automated Data Collection: The software modernizes financial planning by automating data collection, replacing time-consuming and error-prone methods. Through robust import/export tools and customizable forms for crowd-sourcing data, it enhances accuracy and efficiency. Gaining this agility leads to faster, more informed decisions aligned with organizational priorities, reducing duplicative spend and enhancing overall data quality.
    3. Improved Stakeholder Collaboration: Decision Lens facilitates stakeholder engagement by providing a transparent and collaborative decision-making platform, reducing conflicts and ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered. With seamless information sharing and collaboration, enhance your coordination and streamline decision-making among stakeholders to achieve more agile and efficient planning processes.
    4. Better, Faster Decision-Making: Portfolio managers are empowered to make more-informed, agile decisions through systematic project prioritization, resulting in alignment between funds and strategic goals. They can also leverage real-time, data-driven insights to evaluate alternatives and assess trade-offs. Our platform enables optimal resource allocation, ultimately accelerating decision cycles and maximizing mission outcomes. 

    Why Evaluate Decision Lens Now? 

    While the constraints of the CR might have made the evaluation of new tools seem less urgent, the opposite is true for Decision Lens. By integrating Decision Lens into your strategic planning now, your agency can gain a significant advantage, creating enhanced agility in the requirements gathering and portfolio management process and ensuring readiness to act. 


    As federal agencies move forward in the post-CR landscape, the focus must be on more than just getting projects off the ground; it's about ensuring that every dollar spent moves the needle towards mission accomplishment. The rapid allocation of funds requires a blend of agility, strategic prioritization, and efficient resource management. Whether through specific strategic planning tools or broader methodological shifts, the goal remains the same: to ensure that agencies are not just spending funds, but investing them in a future defined by success and impact. 

    Call to Action

    Are you ready to explore how Decision Lens can transform your agency’s strategic planning and fund allocation? Contact us today to learn more and take the first step towards a more strategic and impactful use of your resources. 

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