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Decision Lens Covered Alongside Software AG in Forrester Report on Making Smarter Investment Decisions

Matt Ipri

December 06, 2016

Decision Lens Covered Alongside Software AG in Forrester Report on Making Smarter Investment Decisions-featured-image
In this article

    More and more smart organizations are turning to data and analytics in their attempt to optimize their spend on technology initiatives. In and out of the IT department, the amount of money spent on technology is increasing exponentially, and smart organizations know they have to stay ahead of the spend with more intelligent and strategically-aligned initiative prioritization.

    Recently, Forrester Research analyst Gordon Barnett researched some of the smart ways organizations are looking at this problem. He explains how IT organizations examine initiatives at the IT capability level and use new “Cost-to-serve frameworks” to select the initiatives to be funded and the WAY in which they are funded. Decision Lens was covered in the report, Enhance Cost-To-Serve Models To Guide Strategy Choice, alongside Enterprise Architecture giant, Software AG, as delivering a creative method of doing so. We were definitely proud to be included.


    What’s amazing is how different the Software AG and Decision Lens solutions to this problem are, yet they both target a similar outcome – more strategically aligned and intelligent funding decisions. Barnett did an excellent job discussing the key elements of solving the problem by performing in-depth scenario analysis, taking both a financial view AND a strategic view of the problem, and ensuring the business context is always the focus. Yet he also showed there is more than one way to break it down – with an Enterprise Architecture view (from Software AG) and with an intelligent prioritization view (from Decision Lens).

    At Decision Lens, it’s always been our number one focus to make it fast and easy for an organization to know the exact strategic impact of an initiative on the business outcomes they’re driving for. The Forrester report showed how essential this is to success.

    Go ahead and read the full Forrester Report!

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